2018 Resolutions
I have thought a lot about writing a cliché New Years post about resolutions. Does anyone actually gain anything from reading about my boring resolutions that are 90% passive aggressive and 10% constructive for myself? Is it worth it to put out into the world my goals for myself? This morning, after waking up super dehydrated and desperate for some coffee, I have realized that if I put them out into the world, I will be held accountable by my friends and family. Maybe I’ll even inspire my circle of people to improve themselves.
Here it goes:
Drink more water
Workout daily
Spend less online
Read 12 books by the end of the year (12/31/18)
Go on more walks
Eat more veggies and less sugar
Wear less makeup
Stop buying things for fun/de stress, call someone or write a letter instead
Watch less shit online
Ride your bike places instead of taking the car
Go hiking at least once a month
Spend less time at home and more time outside
Shop locally instead of internationally
Collect more artwork
Get an independent space and manage it
Clean out closet seasonally
Make your bed everyday
Make time for old friends and make space for new friends
Cut out people who create bull shit
Keep the people who appreciate you close
I am trying to delete people from my life who do not bring me happiness. I am trying to delete habits that do not bring me happiness. I am also trying to do things that stress me out but in a good way (waking up at 5:30 to take a yoga class at 6:45 in winter).
New Year’s resolutions are weird because they can be personal goals or they can be public. With the long captions on instagram about personal growth over the last year, I have decided that posting on my personal blog was the more appropriate route for myself to share goals in 2018. I don’t think anyone needs to hear in detail about my 2017 or what has challenged me or changed me or what friends I gained or lost. None of that matters.
In Genesis, there is a story about Lot and his family leaving the burning villages of Sodom and Gomorrah with a Guardian angel. This angel tells the family not to look back, but Lot’s wife turns around and becomes a pillar of salt that vanishes away with the wind. The moral is to not look back on your problems from the past but to learn and move forward. This year is about moving away from the burning hell that 2017 was and move onto the blank slate of 2018.
I hope 2018 is successful and brings me and my community happiness and strength, but if not, I guess its more that I will tell my therapist.